An Almost Uncontrollable Blaze


The recent generation of young teens have more access to technology, the Internet, and social media websites; furthermore, this is becoming evident through how kids are spending their free time and what they are posting. Today I had orientation as a returning staff member at a summer camp and a lot of what was talked about related back to social media, how we present our selves online vs. offline, how campers use the technology during camp, etc.

We have limited control with what gets posted online, who is online, who sees it, how others perceive what they see online, and furthermore how it effects individuals.

The thing that scared me the most was said by a co-worker who is a teacher because he talked about how his students will take something he has said in class and two seconds later it is on Twitter for everyone to see. Another co-worker said her students have done the same thing and then have tried to tag her in it and become friends online. It is scary to think that my future students or campers could attempt at tagging me in something on Facebook or Twitter that could later hurt my career or employment.

Another situation spoken about was how social networking sparks a larger flame for bullying because now peers are continuing the face-to-face bullying away from school or camp by using the Internet. A student/ camper will take an embarrassing video of the victim and post it on YouTube, which now makes the victim relive the horrifying event over and include others who weren’t even present.

Students are posting quotes from their teachers and the campers are posting embarrassing videos are all abusing the Internet in negative ways. Ways that didn’t happen before the uncontrollable blaze of the Internet. The uses are unlimited and always changing. It’s hard to think what students/ campers will be doing 5- 10 years from now.

More and more it seems like teachers, counselors, and parents are having trouble controlling the usage of social networking. It’s almost become too hard control students and now my camp is having a no cell phone policy and an Internet conduct policy in order to protect both campers and counselors and prevent future problems.

These kinds of policies were not around in schools and camps in years past. It’s scary that adults are finding it hard to control the usage and behavior that is happening on the Internet.

A Must Read Article: The Benefits of Facebook “Friends”


While researching online about intrapersonal relationships online and on social networking websites I found the perfect article they represented the ideas I wanted to express in our later article we will be writing. The article was written by Nicole N. Ellison, Charles Steinfield, and Cliff Lampe titled, “The Benefits of Facebook “Friends”: Social Capital and College Student’s Use of Online Social Network Sites.”

I felt that this article was extremely thorough, although it made it lengthy it was very interesting to read because it the audience was targeted toward college Facebook users (The original reason the site was established). This article looked at the old and new relationships that users are maintaining and forming online. Authors said, “Previous research suggests that Facebook users engage in “searching” for people with whom they have an offline connection more than they “browse” for complete strangers to meet,” (Lampe, Ellison, Steinfield, 2006).

This statement is true because most people on Facebook are necessarily looking to become friends with strangers; however, this is not the case for dating websites. These social networking websites are meant for individuals to find new people they did not know previously and begin an offline and/or online relationship. This idea supports, “a hallmark of this early research is in presumption that when online and offline social networks overlapped, the directionality was online to offline- online connections resulted in face-to-face meetings.” The article also stated that statistic that 1/3 of respondents later met the new online friends face-to-face; furthermore supporting, “relationships that being on line rarely stay there,” (Lampe, Ellison, Steinfield).

A final interesting point about this article was the way authors used a specific term: social capital. This refers to, “the network of social connections that exist between people, and their shared values and norms of behavior, which enable and encourage mutually advantageous social cooperation,” ( Before reading this article I would talk about the intrapersonal relationships users form and maintain online, but social capital incorporates that idea of connection and adds how these groups work and behave together.

If you are interested in reading more of this article the link is provided below. The article also presents a lot of data from the authors studies. I look forward to continue using this source and others as prepare to write my final piece for Writing, Research, and Technology.

Source: [PDF] from

Is There More Risk In Online Relationships Verse Offline?


Some would immediately say there would be more risk in an online relationship; however, isn’t is just as easy to create a false identity or say you are someone else offline as it is online? But you can also meet someone extremely genuine and true both online and offline. So why are people so feared of the online relationships? Is because we don’t know exactly what is on the other side of the computer screen?

More and more people are hearing about how they met the love of their life or their soul mate online. I think it’s great for people to connect and live happily ever after; however, I personally fear the possibility of deception on the Internet. From thePsychology Today article, “Cyberspace: Love Online,” author Hara Estroff Marano she says:

“Indeed, online relationships can be unusually seductive. They are readily accessible, they move very quickly, and under the cloak of anonymity, they make it easy for people to reveal a great deal about themselves… And while cyber relationships can be more sincere and open than offline relationships, they also leave a great deal of room fordeception, although online relationships are marked more bydreams than deception.”

I have never personally gotten involved in an online relationship and I don’t think I ever will. I would have too much fear of being deceived. I personally would much rather go out and meet people offline and face-to-face. Then if it  turned out to be a long distance relationship I could use the Internet as a way to maintain that relationship.

I don’t think there is more risk online verse offline because the possibility of rejection still exists in both worlds. It seems that with the numerous social networking websites, chat rooms, and dating/match websites that a lot of people are finding their perfect match online. Furthermore, that these sites are safe and have built in precautions. With high success rates it’s another alternative for individuals to try.

It is great for everyone to find their soul mate whether that be offline or online. In the end individuals need to think twice about what they post and protect themselves from the dangers online, and this guideline goes for any activity individuals partake in online.

Sources- Cyberspace: Love Online

A 2006 Interview with Steve Jobs


While on Google Scholar I was looking for an article about the impact of the iPhone, Siri, or Apple Products. Instead I found an extract of a 1996 Wired Interview with Steve Jobs titled, “Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing,” completed by Gary Wolf. This interview shocked me with a few of the quotes from Jobs himself and the opinion of how technology was going to have an impact. But, it is important to note that this interview was held and published before the launch of major social networking websites like MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter.

While reading this article I thought about Steve Jobs recent death in October of 2011 and how he has impact the Apple Company and the production of their products. However, while reading this article is seems that Steven Jobs did not feel that technology was going to have that much of an impact on individuals, society, and education. I beg to differ because I feel as if technology has had a huge impact on all three of those aspects.

The interview is from about 16 years ago so obvious a lot has changed. I thought some interesting points that Jobs made were about education and one of them was, “What’s wrong with education cannot be fixed with technology. No amount of technology will make a dent.” Is it possible to agree with this statement?

I am not really sure because in recent years technology has shown huge impacts and some technology involving Apple products. On the other hand I see other side of this statement where Jobs is saying no matter how much technology is in the classroom it won’t make an impact if there isn’t a good teacher in that classroom.

Overall, at the time of this interview it seems as if Jobs did not yet realize the impact technology and the company of Apple would have on the world, technology, and the Internet. Jobs is quoted as saying, “People are thinking less than they used to..So, I don’t see most people using the Web to get more information. We’re already in information overload.”

This statement I do not agree with because I don’t know a lot of people who don’t turn to the internet for information. This article was published before the laugh of social networking websites, (MySpace: August, 2003; Facebook: February, 2004; Twitter: March, 2006) where people find out more about the news and weather before turning to the News.

A final quote from Jobs that really struck me was, “Historical precedent shows that we can turn out amazing human beings without technology.” This is totally true. Individuals survived without technology and we certainly don’t realize how much we have become addicted or inept without it.


Sources: 2006 Interview with Steve Jobs by Gary Wolf

Is Texting Having an Impact?


After watching Sherry Turkle’s Ted Talk video, “Connect, but alone?”  it sparked more thoughts about the intrapersonal relationships we are forming and maintaining with social networking websites, digital media and technology.

I know I shouldn’t stay up texting until 3 a.m. but I wouldn’t want to be out of the loop or miss out on this “conversation” with whomever it may be. I know I shouldn’t spend the first hour on my computer checking Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, but I do that instead of starting my homework. If I know I shouldn’t continually do these things, then why do I always find myself trapped with the urges to check my Facebook, send in a few tweets, or scroll through the entire news feed of Pinterest.

InThe New York Times article, “Texting May Be Taking a Toll,” the author Katie Hafner mentions, “Sherry Turkle, a psychologist…has studied texting among teenagers in the Boston area for three years, said it might be causing a shift in the way adolescents develop,” (Hafner, 1). This article continued to spark my mind about intrapersonal relationships and how texting is a main factor in ruining or hindering relationships.

I thought it was interesting that throughout the article author Hafner showed how it is hard for psychologists like Turkle or Peter W. Jornson, an associate professor at the Univerysity of Washington, to really see if the effects of texting are hindering our mental, emotion, or physical health because studies are just beginning to be developed. But since it is such a phenomenon individuals can predict the true effects or impacts of texting on our society and young individuals.

It is interesting to see that some children are being resistant to their parents punishing them or holding these guidelines they have to follow about texting because their parents are indulging just as much in their own cell phones. Generations of digital natives who have grown up attached at the hip to their cell phones are shifting into parenthood. The texting obsession is not going to get better only worse if parents have trouble not indulging themselves into their iPhones.

The technology of texting is changing the intrapersonal relationships individuals have with their families and friends. We know what is right and wrong when it comes to having a conversation or interacting with others. But the fact that technology gives us more control with what we say and allows us to edit and delete is not coincidental that these are the situations we are turning toward.


“Texting May Be Taking A Toll” – The New York Times

Is the World Obsessed With Facebook?


“The study also found that low-conscientious procrastinators used Facebook as a way to avoid doing actual work,” is a quote from the online article Study: Your Facebook Personality is the Real You, by Alicia Eler. This article really made me think am I who I want to be online and in reality? In reality I think yes. But, I am portraying this online?

Sometimes I wish I had never started Facebook because I know a few people my age, 20, that never got on Facebook. Although I am very careful about what I put on my Facebook and Twitter, I still fear that one day there is the possibility of social networking having a negative impact on my life. Hopefully, it will never come down to Facebook deciding if I get a job or not.

Facebook is for sure a form of procrastination. I jump on the computer just to see what funny things my friends have posted or to check the video my friends were talking about at lunch that is on whoever’s wall. Then 20- 30 minutes later I realize I am still scrolling down my news feed. Thirty minutes that I have pretty much wasted and used to put off the work I actually have to do.

The population includes people of all ages from middle school students to retired adults, who are all logging in a lot of time online.

However, it is amazing that in those 20 minutes millions of people are posting and completing millions of things on Facebook. The YouTube Video by Alex Trimpe called, “The World is Obsessed With Facebook,” shows how much really happen in those 20 minutes all around the world.

Some of the facts really shocked me:

Data shows that1 in 13 people in the world are on Facebook.

48% from 18- 34 of people log on to Facebook first thing in the morning.

57% of people talk more online then in real life.

40% of young Americans said they find out news through Facebook.

 It is absolutely mind blowing because this data shows people all around the world really are obsessed with Facebook. It makes me think how much more could have been accomplish in the world if Facebook was never invented.

Say doctors around the world had 1,851,000 attempts at finding a cure for cancer in twenty minutes instead of there being that many status updates in only twenty minutes. Or 2,716,000 messages were sent to protest a bill in congress instead of that many message sent on Facebook.

And if the 57% of people who talk more online than in real life, reversed that statistic how many great things could have been said that had the possibility to change something in the world? I feel as if social networking using are more willing to post, message, or link something on Facebook than to do something in real life that can make a difference.

As every twenty minutes go by in a day people are doing more on Facebook than in real life as they hide behind a computer screen.

But will it ever change?

Only time will tell, and if someone stands up and says something in real life and not through a keyboard. 

Maybe my Dad is more of a Digital Native then I Thought


Last Saturday my family and I were in the car driving home from my cousin’s surprise party in Connecticut, during the about two hour car ride my Dad and I got consumed in a conversation starting with iPads and going through every opinion about Technology, digital media, email, talking about this class, and how he uses technology for work.

Surprisingly, my Dad and I were on the same page and agreed with each other on a lot. Most likely because both of us use the internet and technology a lot in our daily lives. He uses it for work as a real estate agent and I mainly use it for school and different organizations I am involved it. I honestly wish I could have recorded this conversation like an Interview to post on this blog and be able to truly show the conversation my Dad and I had because it was really intriguing to me.

First my Dad and I both want iPads. We know it will safe the amount of printing costs we both have between school and work. It is easily portable and the numerous applications available make it a great tool for a student and for a real estate agent, but mainly because of the printing expenses it would safe.

My Dad has to print up numerous contracts and legal documents daily; however, with the ability to access PDFs on the iPad and vendors now formatting iPads for the use in real estate my Dad would be able to have the contracts electronically signed and emailed to all the necessary parties. He said he spends at least one-hundred dollars a month on printing & faxing expenses. And I can believe it because this past year I spent close to one-hundred and fifty dollars on printing expenses for school between paper, ink, and printing in the on campus library.

Then the conversation turned to about email, phone calls, and texting. We talked about the appropriate time lines for people to return texts, emails, or phone calls and furthermore how some people want an instantaneous response. We agreed that texting should have an almost instant response back and that phone calls or emails should have a response within 24 hours. In today’s society I am truly surprised that there are people that do not check their email daily.

Overall, this conversation showed me that my Dad is more of a digital native and savy with technology then I thought. And it was great to see that we had a lot of common interests, uses, and opinions about technology and the way our society uses different tools. This showed me that the gap of technology knowledge or use between generations is slowly closing down because more people are using technology for work and personal reasons.

Pinterest- Now It’s All About Pinning Your Interests


The latest craze I have been swept into is Pinterest and yes like every other social networking website they all link together one-way or another. A Pinterest account can be showcased from Facebook and Twitter. While searching on the Internet for information about this latest social media interest I found the WordPress blog TechCrunch that will written by Josh Constine. Through this blog I learned:

“Pinterest just hit 11.7 million unique monthly U.S. visitors, crossing the 10 million mark faster than any other standalone site in history….Who’s propelling its rise? 18-34 year old upper income women from the American heartland. Maybe we should call it blow-dryer growth.” (

For those who are really unsure what Pinterest really is, it is a place where users look at thousands of pictures or posts within different categories like Women’s Apparel, Hair & Beauty, Education, Wedding & Events, Holidays, etc. Each user is sent an invitation to their email from a current user allowing them to join the website and begin “Pinning.”

When I joined Pinterest a friend invited me via email because I couldn’t just go to and sign up for an account. Why did I have to be invited? I still don’t understand why the website has this process, and I never truly realized how addicting this website is. How could one look at pictures for so long?

Pinterst has become a website that is more then just pictures. It is a place to post your ideas, share ideas, and find ideas of different things to do. This website has inspired me to complete different t-shirt crafts, shown me different ways to do my nails, and different outfits that I want to invest in. Pinterest has become a website for the consumer. The website makes things a click away to find more information about where to buy items or to see directions to make something.

Like Constine stated in his article I too have begun spending more time on Pinterest then any other social networking site I am apart of. “According to comScore, the average Pinterest user spend 98 minutes per month on the site, compared to 2.5 hours on Tumblr, and 7 hours on Facebook,” (Constine). It has become absolutely insane! Now when I log onto my computer I open Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, and now my Pinterest as well.

On m Pinterst I have 86 Followers and I am following 96. I have 11 Boards I am “Pinning” to, 608 Pins, and 545 likes. And I have had my Pinterest since March and my activity and follwing has grown faster than my Twitter, which I have had for almost 4 years. It is amazing how a new social networking website is created and makes such an impact in such a short amount of time.

Happy Pinning!



Everyone is Pointing Fingers At Who Should Take Charge with Cyberbullying…


A lot of people know that cyberbullying is happening, but not a lot of people are taking it into their own hands and dealing with it. Yes, there are people who do take a stand but it has not be substantial enough were incidents are becoming fewer. If parents, schools, and professionals who work with social networking sites teamed together in campaigns against cyberbullying users would see a consistent message on how it is wrong to treat others that way.

In the article from, “How Should Facebook and Myspace Handle Cyberbullying,” author Emily Bazelon describes how false accusations of cyberberbullying changed an individual’s life. The accusations began when his Facebook page was reported for harassment; however, this individual didn’t even have a Facebook page.

Furthermore, Bazelon describes how the individual and parents were never given answers on who actually created this fake Facebook. This showed me how you really can never trust who the person is behind the Facebook page because anyone can upload pictures of someone, create a profile, and be acting like someone else on the Internet.

Throughout this article Bazelon compared how MySpace and Facebook each handle cyberbullying issues. After reading the article I am sort of confused why MySpace has the rep it does because it seemed like this website takes this bullying more serious and takes greater steps into action than Facebook.

Then Facebook doesn’t seem to be actually admitting what is actually going on with cyberbullying or abusive use on the web because once it is reported they complete a small investigation and then just delete the page. It seems like Facebook is sweeping the bug under the rug and forgetting about the situation.

Instead of schools, parents, and social networking sites pointing fingers in the opposite direction I think that all three areas need to work together to control the amount of cyberbullying happening and implementing punishments. Bazelon wrote good arguments on how situations are and are not being handled; furthermore, was being realistic about the internet and today’s generation of users.

Not So Mutual Facebook Friends


While scrolling around on the Web I found the article, “Facebook’s Privacy Trainwrek,” by Danah Boyd, which was published by Sage Publications in 2008. I agreed with everything Boyd stated about Facebook, News Feed, and the relationships we create or think we create on Facebook. Yes, I am a Facebook user and yes I say that I use Facebook to stay connected with friends. But, by “friends” I don’t mean the ones I accept on Facebook I mean the ones I was friends with before I was on Facebook.

First Boyd explains to readers that the Facebook News Feed is structured in the same structure of a blog with information being displayed in “reverse chronological order” or the newest information is posted at the top. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook Creator) communicated to the users about the News Feed for Facebook through his blog. Similar coincidence that the Facebook creator uses a blog? I don’t think so.

Intrapersonal relationships can be created online and offline, but is it always a mutual friendship? I mean I surely have numerous Facebook Friends who I have hardly ever talked to, don’t keep up with offline, and don’t have their phone number.

In my Intro to Writing Arts class, one of my peers said that she only keeps Facebook Friends that she has their phone number to call them up or talk to them off of the internet, and I feel that is a great rule to follow when involving yourself online.

Boyd further describes how Facebook relationships are not always mutual, yet we may feel like we know one of our “Friends” really well because of their frequent posts and information from Facebook.

In one scenario Boyd describes how an individual follows their crush on Facebook and feels that they know things about them like interests, birthday, photos, who they are friends with, etc. When in fact the individual has just memorized their Facebook page and really has no relationship with their crush and may not even know they exist.

This is what users call Facebook Stalkers or as I have called them: Not so mutual friends.

In Boyd’s article he described different scenarios around the Facebook News Feed that came out on September 5th, 2006 (Boyd, 2). After the publication of the News Feed Facebook put out privacy settings because now the information users put on the Web 2.0 was popping up on everyone’s News Fed and the information was now far more assessable to Friends then before.

I have every Facebook privacy setting set because I don’t want users who aren’t my Friends to look at my information and I don’t want everyone who I am Friends with to see every picture, status, likes, wall post, or comment I make. Facebook tells too much information that not everyone wants to know, and there are those people that you feel you know or keep in touch with because of their activity on Facebook.

Most of my Facebook friends are friends offline and online with mutual relationships, and if they aren’t a mutual friend I have been slowly working on deleting those not so mutual Facebook Friends.